Top Panty Sellers to Follow
Looking for a reliable source to help you fulfill your desire for used panties? Here is a list of our favorite panty sellers…
1. Roselynn Locks
Roselynn has been a panty seller since 2011. Taking care to provide only her natural scent, she does not smoke tobacco, use scented detergents, or use scented body lotions or perfumes. If you’re looking for a true scent of a woman Roselynn is definitely a reliable source for used panties. Based in the United States but does ship internationally. She is listed on many trust panty sites and you can follow her here:
2. Fetish Panties
A Fetish Panties you can purchase panties from Ellie, a university student based in Melbourne. She predominately looks after an Australian clientele and for the moment does not ship internationally. Free shipping is offered on all Australian orders. You can follow her here:
3. Kandy Ocean
Kandy Ocean is an Australia based seller who live on Darwin. She has only just started selling panties but can be found on many sites such as panty deal. You can find her here:
Selling used panties is more common then you think! You can read about some experiences here. It is a Japanese trend that has been around for a long time. You can learn more about this trend here.